Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring and Gardening

I can't believe this is March already!  Spring is just around the corner and that means, being able to get out in the fresh air and do some GARDENING.  I love to garden and work in the yard but, only on super nice days.  You know when the temperatures are in the 70-80 degree range, guess you could call me a fair weather gardener.  Of course, we all know those temperatures don't last long here in Texas!  So, I have to make it my mission this summer to make myself get out there, no matter how HOT it is, and WATER( if only I could water from inside the house)!  I would love to have some fresh vegetables to eat.  They taste sooooooooo much better than what you can buy in the store.

When we built our house I told my husband I wasn't going to have any flower beds.  Well, that didn't last long before I new it I was putting in flower beds everywhere.  Of course that means now I have to WATER and WEED (what was I thinking).  So, for the flower beds I look for DROUGHT tolerant plants.  Ok, that takes care of how much watering I have to do but, what about the weeds!  That is a never ending battle.  So I do it in small increments (or try to anyway).  My problem is I start in one spot then go to another spot before I ever finish the first spot I started out in.  I'm just all over the place.  I'm going to try to do it differently this year and just focus on one area at a time.  Let's hope that works.  I do love my flower beds though, with all the pretty colors and it attracts birds, butterflies and hummingbirds.  Sitting on the back porch and just watching them is a pass time we both really enjoy.  Collecting rain water is another thing we do.  We decided to make a fountain out of the one off the back porch.  So now we have running water and the birds LOVE it!
The weather has been so pretty here that I decided to get out in the yard and set up our vegetable garden.  Yes, we are going to try it again this year.  We didn't have much success last year but, this year we bought a raised garden kit from Sam's Club.  It was so easy to set up the hardest part was clearing all the old dead weeds and grass from where we had our garden last year.  But, I managed to clear it out yesterday and the kit went together so easily I'm thinking of getting another one.  I guess I better see if I can grow anything first before I add another one.  Next step, get some dirt to fill it with, another back breaking chore.  Then all we have to do is add our vegetables.  So, do we start from seed?  Last year we tried that and it didn't work to well.  I think this year we will just go ahead and buy the plants maybe, we will have better luck.  Then all we have to do is water and wait for our harvest.  Sounds easy enough, right?  I'll keep you posted on our progress.

So that's it for where we are in the Gardening area.  Hope this has inspired you to get yours going and growing.

What are your gardening projects that you enjoy?  Do you have any suggestions, tips or hints you'd like to pass on?  Post a reply we'd love to hear from you. 

Happy Gardening!  Looking forward to hearing from you.
Lou Ann